Sep 09, 2024  
2022-2023 Academic Catalog 
2022-2023 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Policies and Procedures

Academic Information

Students are responsible for familiarizing themselves with the rules and regulations of the College as set forth in this catalog. Official announcements are posted regularly on electronic bulletin boards and published on the KCKCC website.

Student Classification

Information regarding Student Classification can be found on the KCKCC website on the Policies and Procedures Homepage, Section 2.05.

Academic Integrity

Information regarding Academic Integrity can be found on the KCKCC website on the Academic Affairs Policies webpage, Section 2.00.


KCKCC is interested in the educational development of its students, and attendance in class is considered a necessary part of the process. Students are expected to be punctual and attend classes. Students are held responsible for all information and assignments missed due to their absence. The course syllabus will outline the instructor’s attendance policy. In the case that an instructor does not arrive within 15 minutes of the scheduled class start time, class is considered cancelled for the day.

Credit Hour

Information regarding Credit Hour can be found on the KCKCC website on the Academic Affairs Policies webpage, Section 2.03

Course Numbers

At KCKCC, the numbering system for classes is not meant to restrict students but to assist them in their academic planning. Classes are numbered accordingly:

Courses numbered 0-99 do not transfer to four-year universities or count towards graduation at KCKCC. These college preparation classes aid students who have not recently completed four (4) years of English and three (3) years of math in high school. Courses numbered 0-99 may be required prerequisites to courses numbered 100-200.

Courses numbered 100-199 are suggested as freshman level courses.

Courses numbered 200-299 are suggested as sophomore level courses.

Deleted And Dropped Classes

Courses may be deleted or dropped during the designated periods by submitting the request in writing, or by performing the action online through Self Service . When a class is deleted before the semester begins, all tuition and fees are deleted and there is no record of the enrollment on the official KCKCC transcript. When a course is dropped, students receive a partial refund, and there is no record of the enrollment on the official KCKCC transcript. All appeals to the stated policy must be directed to the Dean of Enrollment Management.

Added Classes

Currently enrolled students may add a class during the schedule adjustment period. Tuition and fees will be added to the student account. Students are responsible for contacting their instructor as soon as a course is added to obtain a syllabus and discuss any missed course instruction.

Student Withdrawal

Students may have a “W” posted on their transcript instead of a letter grade by officially withdrawing from a course. Students may withdraw from a course after the drop period has passed. There is no refund for a withdrawal, and students  are financially responsible for the tuition and fees for the course. The academic consequences from this action include receiving the grade of “W” for the course, which will appear on any unofficial or official transcripts. A grade of “W” will not impact your GPA nor count as completed credit toward your degree. Withdrawing can potentially impact a student’s academic and financial aid standing and should only be done if it is their only option. Withdrawing from a course can have financial and academic implications that should be taken into consideration when making this decision. Recent changes in financial aid rules and veterans’ education benefits have further complicated the course withdrawal process.

Prior to withdrawing, students are encouraged to talk with their instructor or advisor about their progress in the course based on the grading criteria stated in the syllabus, participation, and grades earned to date. Instructors may also be able to explore opportunities that may allow students to successfully complete the course in accordance with KCKCC guidelines and policies. Students should also visit the Learning Commons and Student Accessibility and Support Services to find out more about the free academic resources and services available.

KCKCC is committed to helping students achieve their academic goals; however, circumstances may arise that prevent students from successfully completing their coursework as planned.

Withdrawal Procedures:

  • Students may submit the Student Withdrawal Form found on Self Service.
  • Students may submit a withdrawal form with a Student Success Advisor on Main Campus, Pioneer Career Center, or the Dr. Thomas R. Burke Technical Education Center.
  • Students may submit a handwritten request by mail, e-mail, or fax to the attention of the Registrar’s Office. The request must include student name, student id, the course the student wishes to withdraw from and student’s signature. Office Fax: 913-288-7665; email:; Address Information
  • Kansas City Kansas Community College, Registrar’s Office, 7250 State Ave, Kansas City, KS 66112

If students stop attending but do not officially withdraw from a course, an ‘F’ is posted on their transcript. The deadlines for withdrawing are as follows:

  • For specific dates for last withdrawal, please check the academic calendar.
  • Semester courses (16 weeks): Students may withdraw up to three (3) weeks before the start of final examinations.
  • Summer session, (8-week courses): Students may withdraw up to two (2) weeks before final examinations.
  • Courses lasting less than 8 weeks do not have a withdrawal period: no withdrawal period.

Administrative Withdrawals

Students may be administratively withdrawn from a course by their instructors for excessive absences or if the student stops attending. Instructors provide students with a course syllabus at the beginning of the semester stating their attendance policy and administrative withdrawal procedures.

  • For specific dates for last withdrawal please check the academic calendar
  • Semester courses (16 weeks): Instructors may submit Administrative Withdrawal forms up to three (3) weeks before the start of final examinations.
  • Summer session (8-week courses): Instructors may submit Administrative Withdrawal forms up to two (2) weeks before final examinations.
  • Courses lasting less than 8 weeks do not have a withdrawal period: no withdrawal period.

The Registrar’s Office notifies students that they have been administratively withdrawn. If students wish to remain in the course, they need to contact the instructor within three class periods to be reinstated. The decision to reinstate a student rest entirely with the instructor. Instructors are not required to provide make-up work or reinstate students who have been administratively withdrawn from class.

Students who have been Administratively Withdrawn and are not reinstated receive a WA on their transcript. There is no refund for an Administrative Withdrawal, and students are financially responsible for the tuition and fees for the course. Re-enrollment in a subsequent semester is required to achieve a grade for the course.

Final Examinations

A final examination week is scheduled at the end of each semester. Final exams are mandatory, and all classes meet on an extended two-hour period during this week according to the times published. Final examinations are considered part of the evaluation procedure used by instructors in teaching their courses. Permission for a student to reschedule a final exam is granted only in unusual cases with the approval of the student’s instructor and the Academic Dean.

Grading System

Information regarding Grading System can be found on the KCKCC website on the Academic Affairs Policies webpage, Section 2.04.

Repeating Courses

Information regarding repeating courses can be found on the KCKCC website on the Policies and Procedures Homepage, Section 2.11.

Dean’s Honor Roll

Students with outstanding grade-point averages are recognized with honors at the end of each semester. To be eligible, students must be enrolled in a minimum of nine (9) credit hours (in which grades A-F are recorded). The semester gradepoint average, not the cumulative grade-point average, is used to determine Honor Roll eligibility.

  • President’s Honor Roll: 4.0 GPA for the semester.
  • Vice President’s Honor Roll: 3.50-3.99 GPA for the semester.
  • Honor Roll: 3.0-3.49 GPA for the semester.

Honors At Graduation

Students with outstanding grades are eligible to graduate with honors if they meet the following requirements:

  • Summa Cum Laude - cumulative grade-point average of 4.00.
  • Magna Cum Laude - cumulative grade-point average of 3.70 to 3.99.
  • Cum Laude - cumulative grade-point average of 3.40-3.69.
  • With Distinction - Eligible for Certificate completers with cumulative grade point average of 3.40 or higher.

Students can graduate with honors if they have no more than 21 credit hours of Pass-No Credit courses, have not taken advantage of the Forgiveness Policy, and have not repeated a course with a grade of C or better. All course work must be completed before honors are awarded. Students who earn certificates only are not eligible to graduate with honors.

Honors Education Program graduates who have fulfilled the requirements of the Honors Education Program are recognized at graduation with a medallion and receive “Honors Education Graduate” distinction on their transcript.

Honors Education Program

Vision Statement

KCKCC Honors Education Program seeks to cultivate socially responsible leadership skills in its students and to provide them with opportunities for meeting academic standards of excellence in a nationally recognized and competitive honors program.

Honors Courses

Most honors courses are separate sections of regular college offerings in the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, math, or business. Other honors courses have been created to accommodate the needs of Honors students in a particular major field. Classes are designed to offer greater flexibility in teaching techniques, more faculty-student interaction, and to increase critical thinking and analysis.

Specific course offerings in Honors Education are listed separately each semester in the class schedule. Students collaborate with the Director of Honors Education to select the honors courses which best meet their academic needs.

Honors Contracts

An honors contract is intended to establish a mentor relationship between a student and course instructor who, together, agree on what assignments will be completed by the student to receive honors credit for a regular course. The student completes regular course requirements as well as the assignments designated in the honors contract.

Honors contracts may be arranged in any academic or professional course listed in the regular class schedule if the course has a theoretical foundation and that the course is not offered in the Honors Education schedule. Ideally, the assignments are individualized to match the student’s particular interests, talents, or career goals.

Honors contracts are arranged during the pre-enrollment period and must be approved by the faculty member, Division Dean and Director of Honors Education.

Honors Program Graduate Distinction

A student can earn Honors Program Graduate Distinction on his/her transcript by completing four Honors core courses and five Honors elective courses. Specific Program and course requirements are available in the Honors Education Program office.

Phi Theta Kappa Honors Society

Phi Theta Kappa International Honors Society for two-year colleges acknowledges students for their efforts in the hallmarks of scholarship, leadership, and service to the community. KCKCC’s Mu Delta Chapter students have been ranked by Phi Theta Kappa in the top 100 colleges internationally. Each year, Phi Theta Kappa students work on projects to present at regional and international conferences.

The Mu Delta Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa is open to students who have proven themselves capable of academic excellence. To join, students must have achieved a minimum 3.50 cumulative grade-point average and must have completed a minimum of 12 credit hours at KCKCC. Potential members are invited to join each semester. After joining Phi Theta Kappa, members must maintain a 3.00 grade-point average to remain active.

Academic Standing

Information regarding Academic Standing can be found on the KCKCC website on the Academic Affairs Policies webpage, Section 2.08.

Academic Forgiveness

Information regarding Academic Forgiveness can be found on the KCKCC website on the Academic Affairs Policies webpage, Section 2.07.

Academic Renewal Policy

Information regarding Academic Renewal can be found on the KCKCC website on the Policies and Procedures Homepage, Section 2.12.


Guidelines for Eligibility and Considerations

  • Maintain an overall cumulative grade-point average of 2.00.
  • Complete the 15 credit hours in residency requirement at KCKCC.
  • Apply no more than 30 credit hours of nontraditional studies credit to graduation requirements.
  • Earn only one degree or certificate in a semester.
  • Approved programs completed at a Kansas Area Vocational Technical School apply as credit hours only toward one associate degree at KCKCC and cannot be applied toward a second degree.
  • Completed certificate credit hour may only be used towards one associate degree.

Graduation Deadlines

Students are responsible for meeting all graduation requirements at the College. One semester before graduation, students need to complete an application for graduation and a degree check in the Student Success Center.

Deadlines for Degree/Certificate Checks

  • Fall Semester: October 20
  • Spring Semester: March 20
  • Summer Session: June 6

Graduation Fee

All students completing application for graduation are charged a $20.00 graduation fee. This fee is required even if students do not participate in commencement. If students do not meet graduation requirements, there is an $8.00 fee for the succeeding application. An $8.00 fee is required for orders of previously earned diplomas.

Graduation Activities

Commencement exercises are held in May of each year. Students completing all degree requirements for the spring semester and prior fall semesters are eligible to participate in the commencement. Summer candidates who are within nine (9) credit hours of completing degree requirements and enrolled in the courses needed to complete degree requirements are also eligible to participate.

The Director of Student Activities announces the date for cap and gown distribution.

Note: All course work must be completed before students can receive honors recognition during commencement.

Student Grievance Policy

If a student feels a college employee has displayed racial or sexual discrimination or harassment, taken unfair disciplinary action, or has treated a student unfairly in academic, work-related, or any other matters, the student has a right to express his/her perceived unfair treatment and seek resolution through the Student Grievance Procedure.

For further information on the Student Grievance Procedure, contact the Dean of Student Services, Upper Level, Jewell Student Center, or call (913) 288-7437.

College-Wide Student Outcomes Assessment

Student outcomes assessment is defined as a systematic process of gathering, reviewing, and utilizing information to improve an institution’s programs and/or services. The goal of outcomes assessment is to advance student learning and development through the implementation of evidenced-based interventions.

In its commitment to maintaining quality academic programs and providing dedicated support services, KCKCC participates in a structured, college-wide student assessment effort. The purpose of this assessment effort is to determine a student’s achievement of college level expectations and the College’s capabilities to meet the needs of students. Assessment is ongoing, occurring every semester in several ways.

Participation in the assessment process is required of all students who enroll in any credit-bearing course. The sincerity of the participants is important and will provide KCKCC with accurate information that will be used to plan effective academic programs and services. Assessment activities may include, but are not limited to surveys, interviews, questionnaires, in-class assignments, standardized tests, portfolios and exit examination. Evidence gathered from assessments will be used to evaluate student achievement, review curriculum effectiveness, improve instruction and learning, enhance campus support services, and assist with student self-evaluation and goal setting.